Phil's Newsletter-mania
Previously, on Phil’s Newsletter: We dropped the numbering gimmick for newsletter titles, we launched a TV channel.
You can subscribe to this newsletter to get some perks and directly support me. Phil’s Newsletter is brought to you by paid subscribers Jessica Nelson, Jeff Powers, Vikas Reddy, David Demchuk, Ian Scott, Adam Rodnitzky, and Kat Angus. You are each, individually, the best.
Today’s edition of the OpenCV Weekly Webinar featured Roboflow CEO Joseph Nelson (no relation), Satya Mallick, and me. It was a fun discussion about Why Computer Vision Projects Fail, and at the peak we had almost 450 people in there. Wowsers. Phil’s Pro Wrestling T-Shirt Watch: 100% Chance of Rain
It has been a LONG week, cats and kittens. Your boy, me, is somehow going through it EVEN MORE than last time. This shit is annoying. I don’t have much else to say, about Phil, today. But we have other good news!
The Extra Future Discord Server Is Now Open
Until now the Discord server I run, Extra Future, has been invite-only and reserved for Patrons and Subscribers. Now, it is open to everyone as a community server but Patrons and Subscribers get special perks. You can join or invite your friends with this link:
We have added some new channels, and have access to Stages, which are the Discord version of drop-in audio with hosts and whatnot. Mainly folks who hang out in the server talk about video games, pro wrestling, computer vision, and suchlike. You oughta come say hi.
This weekend in particular its WRESTLEMANIA, like every day is.
RSMN #22, and then, RSMN #23
Last weekend’s Other Than Dracula edition of RetroStrange Movie Night was fun especially in the audio chat. If you haven’t dropped in yet please do! We do this for ya’ll.
The next one is some more kick-ass Tokusatsu, with an all-time great in The Mysterious, and the third Gamera movie. We love us some Gamera here.
Divergent League Postseason
We are now into the final four of the 1993 Divergent League Baseball postseason. The Baltimore Orioles, Chicago White Sox, San Francisco Giants, and Montreal Expos are in the League Championship series. We break the seal on these matchups Friday, April 9th at 6pm.
Those links had a family, damn it.
Felt this one super hard this week- “I Called Off My Wedding. The Internet Will Never Forget” a tale of algorithmic bullshittery
The Loudness War rages on. A lot of us don’t think about how the music we listen to is mastered. Until we do
No big deal but 533,000,000 Facebook account datas were leaked. Super unimportant data like names, phone numbers, addresses. Facebook has decided that your personal info is “Old Data” and therefore not worth protecting.
I may have posted this before, but I am a sucker for these Batmans
A cat got onto the baseball field, and I would do anything to bring it home with me
A well-written article, that puts it plain: LAPD violence in Echo Park enforced class divisions, not public safety
Meanwhile in class warfare news “If You Sell a House These Days, the Buyer Might Be a Pension Fund”
If you work in the business there are so many stories about this, but “Error-riddled data sets are warping our sense of how good AI really is”
On the heels of the COVID tax, a new HIV vaccine with a 97% antibody rate is in trials. Gosh, it’s almost like we could’ve done this at any time.
A version of the cancelled Castlevania: Resurrection for Sega Dreamcast was recently discovered
StyleCLIP: Text-Driven Manipulation of StyleGAN Imagery is the kind of shit that people expect we could already do
Remember all that scaremongering about how people were offing themselves because of lockdowns? Tuuuuuuurns out nope suicide decreased in 2020.
Twitter almost bought Clubhouse for $4 billion which is the most embarrassing thing Twitter has almost done in years
“After Working at Google, I’ll Never Let Myself Love a Job Again” NEED I SAY MORE? OK, I will. “Loving” a job is the result of gross manipulation.
OK That was a time. Thanks for reading. I hope I see you in the discord. Yes, you.
— Phil